Author: Nathalie Mercier, MA, Registered Psychologist - 3 min read - There are some quick and simple mindfulness-based practices which can be done every day, any day, any time of day for around 1 to 3 minutes at a time. When we think about how much time we have through our day, normally around 14 hours, 3 minutes peppered here and there is a great investment in your well-being. It can make a wonderful difference in how you feel, think and behave. It’s important to engage each and every part of ourselves: body, mind, heart and spirit. The nature of these exercises is to be simple, doable, no pressure, flexible, no matter how you are feeling or where you are. They increase health benefits and help build resilience, along with increasing patience with yourself and others. We do these practices safely, with conscious intention, and with awareness. For an added challenge: do one or a combo of the practices for up to 20 minutes for at least one day of one week! Most importantly: enjoy and be kind! Body Standing or sitting, Pause
Mind Pause, breathe and say:
Heart Pause and breathe:
Spirit Pause, say with the inhale and exhale
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January 2024
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